Well is seems I have been remiss about posting lately.
Da Hoop reminded me that I have not posted.
I have been busy training for my triathlon, which is Sunday, and Masters Swimming Nationals - coming up next month.
I guess blogging went to the background.
My son turned 1 this weekend, man does time fly. My daughter comes up with the craziest things, she had been getting up frequently during the night, leaving me exhausted. She tells my wife that her room is not as FUN as her brothers, SOOOO, we turned her room into a Princess room thanks to the Disney store and $110 out of my pocket. I think that is well worth it for a good nights sleep.
Now I have my swimming dilemma, to swim the 1000 free, hello I am a SPRINTER, or not swim a 6th event. What is a swimmer to do. Oh well, it can't be that bad, or can it?
Well I am done blogging for the day, will post on Sunday with results from my 1st ever triathlon.