OK these gas prices are totally getting out of control. But at least I am not driving a total gas guzzler. Imagine those suckers driving a huge SUV, ouch. I saw Shaq driving a modified semi, guess he is going from gas station to gas station leaving his money behind.
America needs to wake up and start making cars that do not rely on BIG OIL. They have been able to make these cars for years.
The rich oil magnets have never seemed to let his happen. Check out the movie Who Killed the Electric Car?
Hopefully this gas issue gets solved before we are paying $5.00 per gallon. Eventhough I read a story about how expenisve gas might help the country. How you might ask? By having people who are working on alternative fuels, to work harder and smarter to get their ideas out their and viable.
The only way that higher gas prices would help is that it MIGHT force the government to start investing more money than they already are in alternative methods. They have an entire research facility in TN devoted to renewable energy. And just to defend scientists a big, it's not an easy fix because the public demands quite a bit (method can't degrade quickly, and has to be cost effective). There are many ideas, but very few that meet those needs.
Never mind the government; the manufacturers should be developing stuff--after all they're the ones that have been dragging their feet for years.
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